Upstate New York company which originally relied on Xerox printer cartridges has shifted its focus to automation and medical products. Current expansion plans at its Skaneateles plant near Syracuse call for a new 50,000 square-foot "clean room" manufacturing facility for use in producing products for minimally invasive surgery. The new "clean room" will allow expansion of this product line while allowing the space of the old "clean room" to be used for other purposes. Its customers include medical device maker Welch Allen, along with other more common products, such as the container for old spice deodorant and the clip on some Hefty food storage bags. The company has at least one patent (US patent no. 8,485, 231) which was granted in July 2013 relative to a method and apparatus for dispensing liquid medicine. The invention described in the patent relates to a medical container having a flap which inhibits contamination from entering the container and which may be displaced by a plunger or syringe when it is desired to draw liquid (e.g., medicine) from the container. The flap is intended to prevent bacteria or other undesirable contaminants from entering the container and spoiling the contents thereof. As indicated in the article, the company hopes to do more research and development, which should lead to more patents, particularly if it is successful in receiving a tax break which it has requested connection with the building of the "clean room".